
Olie opruiming stranden alleen voor de show

Laatste wijziging: maandag 19 juli 2010 om 14:29, 2536 keer bekeken Print dit artikel Bekijk alle nieuws feeds van onze site
maandag 19 juli 2010

De olie die aangespoeld is op de stranden langs de Golf, wordt zogenaamd opgeruimd. Een voormalig schoonmaakmedewerkster vertelt in de video dat de opdracht is om alleen de zichtbare olie op te ruimen. Er mag niet onder het zand schoongemaakt worden!


GULF SHORES, Alabama - Former oil clean-up worker Candi Warren says she signed up to make a difference, but soon found out the work of cleaning the beaches was all cosmetic. That's what she was told, she says.

Warren says she knew that when crews worked during the day, the tide and surf buried oil overnight. But they were forbidden to dig it up. She quit in disgust three weeks ago despite the $18 per hour pay.

She said she was told to only clean the surface of the sand, that this is all cosmetic. She was on a crew at Gulf State Park where tourists go. She says it has priority so as to make it look like the beaches are clean.

Warren says she believes money is being wasted on the crews and says "At some point the real clean-up will have to begin, but I'm afraid the money will be gone."

She used a shovel and dug down six, eight, maybe twelve inches into the sand to show us the layers of oil close to the shoreline.


Bron: wkrg.com

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